When traveling abroad I like to challenge myself with a different type of photography, something I’m not comfortable with or that I just don’t do often. It’s important to try new styles of photography because they open your mind to all sorts of possibilities and increase your knowledge of photography.
The photographs below were taken on my visit to Giardini Naxos on the island of Sicily using the Fujifilm X100S. The fuji camera is one of favorite cameras because of its versatility and incredible image quality. Interestingly, as I was completing this photography project of Sicilians In Motion I was also completing a challenge where I was shooting with the Fujifilm X100S as my only camera for an entire 3 months (you can read about that here).
This photo project interested me so much because I’ve always been attracted to capturing motion in still photography. Things like light trails and motion blur have always intrigued me. I learned a lot while completing this photography project and apply what I learned to all facets of my photography on a regular basis. I encourage you to find a photo project you’d like to complete and start it today.
If you tackle a photo challenge or photo project you can share it with us here on PhotolisticLife by visiting the Submit An Article page and selecting Photo Journal Challenge or other applicable subject or you can post it right to our Facebook page.
John, slow shutter speed = blur and fast = stopped motion. What were your settings as you were able to capture both??
Becky, I tried to keep my shutter speed around 1/15 and panned with the people as they drove by. The X100S is not the best tool for this but it gave satisfactory results. For a few of them I would focus about ten feet in front of me (manual focus) to keep from missing shots due to auto focus not keeping up (there is a term for this but it escapes me right now).
Tripod or handheld?
Tripod, the key is trying to pan smoothly at the same speed as the subject. You could use a tripod but I think it would be more difficult to match the speed because of the geometry. The smaller pivot point makes it difficult to match the speed where I’ve found that actually holding the camera away from my body a bit gave me the best results. Just my experience, I’m sure others have their own preferences.
Très sympa! Love how the titles perfectly capture the spirit of the images. Big smiles all the way through the series. Kudos on a great job. Very inspiring.
Thank you! It was so much fun taking them.