PhotolisticLife is pleased to offer you the ability to publish your own articles right to our website. After being reviewed, and meeting the high standards of PhotolisticLife, it will be published on the site.
Don't Be A Rebel, Read These
- Choose the type of submission you’re entering by using the drop down bar. If your submission doesn’t pertain to one of them then just file it under Uncategorized and leave me a note in the body after your text.
- You can type 2000 words max.
- All of the images will be included in the article, if you have a specific place you’d like to have it placed indicate that by using “(title of image)” in the body of your article and I will place the image with the correct title in its place (this only works if you’ve changed the file name of the image to the proper title).
- Only submit quality photos, any blurry images (unless your goal was an abstract image) or poorly composed images will be excluded.
Where Great Photos Win Money
Congratulations to everyone who participated, stay tuned for the results.
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