2016 Pittsburgh Photography Workshop Dates

If your New Years resolution was to improve your photography or see more of Pittsburgh then sign up for one of the workshops listed below.  This year I am going to limit the number of participants to 4 – 8 so don’t dillydally and sign up today.

April 16th – Travel Photography In Pittsburgh (Base Workshop)

May 14th – Street Photography In Pittsburgh (Base Workshop)

June 11th and 12th – Advanced Photography (Multi-Day)

July 9th – Travel Photography In Pittsburgh (Base Workshop)

August 13th – All About Post Processing (Base Workshop)

September 23rd – Advanced Photography (All Day)

October 1st – Street Photography In Pittsburgh (Base Workshop)

1 on 1 Private Workshop – Please use the contact form below ($500 for 4 hours) *Very Limited*

Multi-day and all day workshops also include some time where we discuss the finer workings of post processing using Lightroom and Photoshop (there are free alternatives on the internet as well).


What to expect during a workshop?

Expect to do some walking, we will be covering various areas of the city depending on the workshop (Oakland, Downtown Pittsburgh, The Strip, etc.).  I will always email participants well before the date of the workshop so they can make arrangements if they are coming in from out-of-town.

I like to learn by doing therefore I teach that way as well.  You’ll find very little downtime.  We will be walking and talking and shooting.  You’ll get time to shoot as a group, wander around on your own a bit, and one on one time with me.

Because of the small size of the workshop I am able to tailor it to the participants needs.  Before each workshop I’ll email each of you on your own and ask what it is that you’d like to strengthen through the workshop and make sure we cover it (so long as your goal has something to do with the workshop we are embarking on).

Check out the main workshop page to find more details and reserve the date you’d like or hit the button below to go directly to the sign up form.

*We reserve the right to cancel workshops with less than 3 participants.  In the event of cancellation, participants money will be refunded in full or the participant can choose to have it put towards a future workshop.  Please refrain from making travel arrangements until you receive confirmation of workshop (generally about a month ahead of time).  Travel expenses are not covered in the cost of workshop and will not be refunded by PhotolisticLife.com.  Thank you! 
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4 replies on “2016 Pittsburgh Photography Workshop Dates”
  1. says: Becky

    Pittsburgh Photography Workshop —— *sigh*; realy great big huge *SIGH* Lucky local people should take advantage of this offer. Will be money very well spent.

  2. says: Becky

    Having done a few photo walks with John I can only say this to anyone owning a camera – if you want to up your game, take one of John’s workshops. I guarantee you will learn as much or more than you would in an entire semester at college. He is talented and very adept at imparting his knowledge/skills of shooting and post processing to his workshop attendees. And by the way, John, how about that Florida workshop you mentioned last year??? 😉

    1. says: John Barbiaux

      Thank you Becky, you are too kind! I need to check the dates but I’m considering doing something like the Florida workshop this year towards the end of the year. I’ll keep you posted!

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