Photo Challenge Accepted – Stairways

Photos and Article by Liz Sette

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Recently my husband and I stayed at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel which is a very old, famous landmark in Philadelphia.  Well, it’s not called the Bellevue Stratford anymore but to us, it will always be the Bellevue Stratford.  In any event, the staircase in the lobby is elegant and grand and when I saw it, I knew I would have to photograph it.  When I saw your challenge, I was excited and knew I would have to share my photos of the staircase at the Bellevue.  I hope I did it justice!



Great shots Liz, making a stairway eye-catching is a tough challenge.  I really like the marble pattern and ornate carving all along the staircase.  I’d be interested to know the ISO settings you used, the photos came out with very little grain.

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staircase-2 (1)

Have you seen a photo challenge you’d like to take on?  Whether you saw it on PhotolisticLife or somewhere else you are welcome to submit your work for all to see right here on PhotolisticLife.  Just head over to Submit an Article and submit it using the Photo Journal Challenge topic.

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3 replies on “Photo Challenge Accepted – Stairways”
  1. says: Liz Sette

    The ISO setting was 200 for all of the photos. The camera I used was a Nikon D7000 and all of these photos were shot in the aperture mode which is what I shoot in most of the time. I feel I have better control of the camera when shooting in the aperture mode. The f-stops were all different as well as the shutter speed. If you are interested in that information, I would be glad to share it.

    1. says: John Barbiaux

      Sure, I was impressed with your ability to hold your camera steady… It didn’t look like you had a lot of light so I assumed you compensated with ISO. Was it a fast lens?

  2. says: Liz Sette

    The settings for the top photo were f/3.5, 1/2 sec. The settings for the middle photo were f/5.6, .77 sec. And the settings for the bottom photo were f/4, 1/4 sec. The lens I used was a Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G. It’s probably my favored lens and the one I use most often. Oh, and believe me when I say, there were several other shots of this staircase that did not reflect my steady hand but thank you for the complement!

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