The Best Camera Is The One You Have With You


In a previous life, before photography, I used to say I’d never buy a DSLR because I had a perfectly good camera on my cell phone.  Me and my wallet wish that were true, I’d have saved thousands had I never discovered the capabilities of a “good” camera.  How nice would that be though?  A cell phone that can take photos just as good as your Nikon or Canon cameras.  I’m not sure if that will ever be the case but I would say most smart phone cameras can take some pretty respectable photographs.

The photograph above was taken with an iPhone 5 in panoramic mode, that was the first I attempted to use such a mode on a cell phone.  Why wasn’t my camera with me?  Well I love photography but I believe there are times when you should leave the camera behind and immerse yourself in the moment.  Either way, my camera phone goes everywhere with me and this was one of those times that a great photograph presented itself and begged to be snapped.  It looked as if it may have been raining off in the distance and the reflection of the light off of the mist gave the sky a bluish purple haze.

The entire experience hammered home the old saying, “The best camera is the one you have with you.”

Have you captured a truly great photograph from a less than stellar camera?  Care to share?  Hit the Submit an Article link and choose the Photo Journal Challenge as your category to show us what your diamond in the rough.

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2 replies on “The Best Camera Is The One You Have With You”
  1. says: 3gitalian

    I remember when you told me, “Why do I need a good camera, I have a cell phone?” You are welcome for the introduction to real photography. You’ve really taken it to the next level!

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