Composition 201 – Hands

Accordian PlayerISO 1600, f/2.8, 35mm, 1/35 sec

    I’ve always been intrigued when I see those images of old wrinkled hands toiling at some task or another… You know the ones, where they are covered in dust, oil, or calloused giving you the sense that this person has been places and seen things.  They instill a sort of reverence and deep thought that has you wondering what kind of life the person connected to the hands has led.

    Photographing hands in motion will add the feeling of action and energy to your photographs, you’ll need a faster shutter speed to eliminate motion blur (though sometimes you may want a little blur to show even more motion).  Remember, if you are going to increase the shutter speed you may need to increase your ISO or open your aperture (lower number) to compensate for the decrease in light hitting your cameras sensor.

Tamborine HandsISO 1600, f/2.8, 35mm, 1/35 sec

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