And the Winner is…

Rain Boy by Goran Jovic

The winner of the first photo contest of 2013 here on Photolisiclife is Goran Jovic with Rain Boy.  Congratulations!


Rain Boy by Goran Jovic
Rain Boy by Goran Jovic


Winner, Winner…

Goran will receive $300 and have their photograph featured on this site.  The photograph was chosen for the photographs ability to convey the subjects emotion as well as the photographers technical skill.  Choosing the winning photograph was a difficult task and I’d like to thank the judges who pitched in.  PhotolisticLife would like to thank everyone who participated and we look forward to seeing what you come up with for the upcoming contest.

 Upcoming Contest

The next contest is called The Photo and It’s Story and is related to the Photo Journal Challenge we’ve been doing on this site for the past year.  Participants can enter for free and have the opportunity to share their photography as well as the technique they used and why.  Think of it as a photo essay if you will.

We are still working out the details but here is what we have so far:

  • You can submit one entry per month (total of three entries)
  • All entries will be screened before being published, not all entries will be published
  • The amount of Facebook likes an entry gets will play a role in its chances of winning
  • Contest is free but to enter you must be an email follower of the site
  • The story can be how you captured it, why you captured it, what it means to you, or a combination of the three
  • More details coming, the above details are subject to change….


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