Photo 365 – Day 3

Processed with VSCOcam with x1 preset

The Photo 365 (or #Photo365 on social networks) is a project I’m doing where I take a new photograph every day for 365 days… The rub is that I will only be taking them on my way to and from work. Follow along by bookmarking or join in by taking the challenge and then uploading your images to the Facebook page.

* Instead of posting a new article each day and blowing up your email I will be writing one article with the entire weeks worth of photos and notes.  If you follow me on Twitter I will still post daily there.

The image today was taken right outside of the Pittsburgh International Airport with my iPhone.  I had to pick my wife up from the airport on the way home from work today and it was the first chance to take a photograph for this project.

The image I wanted was of a limousine driver waiting for his rider but when I asked if it would be alright to take his portrait he said “I’m going to have to say no…  It’s not you, I am hiding from my ex-wife and if she sees my picture she’ll say I’m harassing her”.  I said “I understand”…  I mean, what else can you say.  Now, those of you who know me know that I always take a candid shot before I ask for permission (if I ask for permission) but because he explicitly asked that I not take his photo and politely let me know that it could cause problems for him I have decided not to share it.

The toughest part of this project is the criteria I set at the beginning, images taken on my commute.  That, and sharing the images with the world, images that give a glimpse into my personal space.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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