Photo Challenge – Portrait of a Rope


Plumb out of ideas of things to photograph?  Then this is the challenge for you.  Taking portraits of people is not my favorite thing in the world to do so I thought I’d use my imagination a little.  All you need to do to complete this challenge is find an inanimate object and take portrait shots of it.  I’m not talking about throwing some object in a light tent and snapping away, I’m talking about treating the object (the rope in my example) as a person.  Photograph your subject like you would a person, beautiful backdrops and all.

The rope was a perfect subject it stood still when I told it to, the threads coming unwound from the rope looked as if they were a persons hair blowing in the wind.  The sun slightly glancing off the side of the rope reminded me of a woman getting her photograph with the side of her face washed in the warm light as her hair waved in the wind.


If you try this challenge and capture something you’d love to share with the rest of us then please submit them below and we will feature them on the Photo Journal Challenge.  There are other ways to have your photograph featured on the website as well, periodically we will feature a photograph that represents the “This is America Challenge” or “Great Places to Photograph”.  As always, thank you for your wonderful submissions and please keep them coming. Enjoy!

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