Photo Challenge – Christmas Preparations

Well, it’s that time of the year…  My favorite time of the year actually.  It’s time to pull your boxes upon boxes of Christmas decorations out from their cavernous storage, blow off the dust and pain in the a@$ glitter, and decorate the dickens out of your house.  The memories you create with your friends and family each year will stay with everyone for the rest of their lives (so don’t screw it up).  I can still vividly remember the boxes my dad would bring up from our tiny basement overflowing with Christmas decorations and the occasional mouse turd.

This challenge differs from the typical “Christmas decoration” challenge, capture a dynamic image of you, your family, your town/city, preparing for the holidays this year as opposed to the final result.  Don’t take a snapshot, use your knowledge of composition and create an interesting photograph.  Think about the mood the scene instills in you and try to relay that to your viewer with your image.

Share your holiday photography with us over on our Facebook page and the best shots may even make it onto the site here at PhotolisticLife.  Good luck and enjoy!

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