Photo Journal Challenge – Answered

Article and Photos by Becky DeSantis

...just a mess?

Leading Lines

I like to take photos while traveling in my car.  Now, that said, I take them stopped at red lights or pull off to the side, etc. in order to be safe. 😉 I was waiting on the Hulton Bridge in Oakmont, PA the other day and snapped this pic.  I like the way bridges are constructed.  DPS was having a photo challenge asking for photos of diagonal leading lines and I was going to submit this (actually more as a joke than anything else because of the plethora of “leading lines”) then I saw John’s photo challenge on PhotolisticLife and thought this fit right in.

Becky DeSantis



On the way home from a driving trip to Florida, we decided to stop by Summersville Lake so I could practice taking photos with my tripod. However, we did not anticipate having so much trouble finding the Lake and were frantically driving in circles trying to beat the fading sun light (which after a whole day of driving was not particularly pleasant). Finally we found this spot. I set up the tripod and proceeded to take some shots. The photo of the fence has the obvious “leading lines” that your eye follows into the photo. The one of the lake, however, has several leading lines that take your eyes from the foreground deep into the back of the photo – the branches, the rivers, the mountain (hill?) chain. I believe this is what John had in mind when he wrote the recent article about leading lines….right????

Becky DeSantis

Leading LINes

Leading Lines

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