Unique Photographs Of Pittsburgh’s Landscape

Have you ever gotten tired of photographing the same thing over and over?  Maybe it’s your hometown or your precious kids face (shhh… it’ll be our little secret).  We have all felt that way, if anyone tells you different then they are a liar and you should unfriend them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, The Phonebook, Google +, MySpace, your Rolodex, Tumblr, and whatever other social network that popped up during the time it took me to write this.

The fact is, everyone gets a little tired of photographing the same places or things time and time again.  That’s not to say there aren’t other interesting and unique shots waiting to be discovered…  Quite the opposite, actually.  Sometimes it takes getting sick of the same old, same old, to get something unique.  This was the thought process that bred these photographs.

Please don’t mind the sensor dust spots, they are important for an upcoming article on how to clean your own camera sensor.

These are not my favorite photographs I’ve taken of the city of Pittsburgh but they are unique.  The area I took these photographs is off-limits to the public and I had to get special permission that took months to finalize.  Unfortunately, the short period of time I was able to get out there the weather was not cooperating with me.

I’m unable to disclose exactly where these shots were taken but if you’re really familiar with Pittsburgh you may be able to make a pretty good guess.  To my knowledge, there have been no other photographs taken from this spot in Pittsburgh.

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