The winner of the 2013-14 Seasons Photo Contest is Nadine Ryan. Congratulations Nadine, great shot. Nadine has won $250 cash and advertisement for her website here at You’d have known all of this already if you followed us on Facebook though.
I asked Nadine if she’d share some information about herself and she graciously agreed:
Q: When did you first get interested in Photography?
A: My interest in Photography began when I was given a small point and shoot film camera on my 13th birthday from my aunt and uncle. Immediately I was in love with the art.
Q: What gear do you use?
A: I use a Canon digital SLR, a model called Rebel T1i, and a Pentax K100 D. With both cameras I use a 55mm lens and with the Pentax I also have a telephoto lens that I use.
Q: What’s your favorite lens?
A: Currently my favorite lens is the basic 55mm. I find that with this small lens I am forced get close and therefore I become much more involved with the subject. I believe that this involvement has allowed me to find new perspectives and essentially surrender myself to the process.
Q: How was this shot taken (walk us through your thought process and the technical aspect of how and why you captured this shot)?
A: I had decided to take advantage of the sunny afternoon that followed a snow fall and so I set out with my canon. At the end of the day I found myself at this look out point that had a wonderful view of the mountains surrounding the town. While playing with angles and perspectives I ended up lying atop the crisp snow with the mountains in frame just as the sun was setting. That was when I noticed how fascinatingly intricate the snow looked up close. I adjusted my focus and my angle to capture this beauty in the foreground and left the sun to set, silhouetting the mountains in the background. I tried a few different shots but this one captured the essence best.
Q: Where is your favorite place to photograph?
A: My favorite place to photograph would have to be cities. I love getting lost in new and familiar cities because when I am out with a camera I suddenly see everything with new eyes and in cities I find that the subjects are limitless. There is also a kind of peace and solitude that comes when you are and surrounded in the hustle and bustle of the city.
Q: What inspires you?
A: Everything. I find inspiration in people, animals, the weather, the inanimate, to name a few. But especially I feel inspired by expressions and by textures.
Thank you Nadine and thanks to everyone who participated, there were an amazing amount of truly incredible photographs. Stay tuned for the details of the black and white photography contest coming up, it begins on April 5th.