PhotolisticLife’s 2012-13 Photo Contest Finalists

An email was sent out to the top ten finalists of the 2012-13 PhotolisticLife Photo Contest tonight.  The winner will be selected from these ten photographers.  Congratulations to everyone for the phenomenal photographs that were submitted, choosing just one winner is all but impossible.  If you did not win this contest then please try again next time.  We will be rolling out a new contest in February with an entirely revamped process where you’ll be able to upload your photographs, comment on others, “like” them, and easily view most popular photographs.


374- Squirrel – Inna Graham
390 Flurry- Piotr Beicyr
421-Quiver Tree Silhouette in Sunset by Martina Stoecker
436-Into the Fog by Ayesha Farooq
442- Predator by Andre Boto
447- The Coastal Arts League of Half Moon Bay 2 by Mark Roberts
353- Reflect by Brandon Kowalski
273-Golden Droplet by Jack Hood
207-Forries Glass by Andrew Cooney
60- Haitian Dog by Wilson Slader
5- mason jars by Debra Pruskowski
236- Winter in the Park by Luca Renoldi
333-Fixable by Kaitlyn Marie Pellicano

If your name is listed above and you have not received an email with the steps you need to follow next please contact us by clicking the “Contact Us” grey button at the bottom right of the screen.

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