Nikon Lens Only Sale – Deep Discounts

Nobody likes paying full price for anything, that’s why Amazon has grown into the massive company it is today.  Speaking of Amazon, there is an awesome sell going on right this minute where you don’t have to bundle a lens with a camera to get a great discount but you can just buy a single lens and get upwards of $400 off.  I assume this is an attempt for Nikon to make lots of money before they end their fiscal year.  The discounts end March 1st so you should hurry up.

Here is a short list of some of the notable lenses that have deep discounts:

There are other lenses from Nikon that are on sale right now and you can check them out for yourself by hitting the link below and heading over to Amazon.  Don’t worry, if you aren’t ready for a new lens right now you’ll most likely have another chance at deep discounts next year around this same time.

Shop Amazon Cameras – Nikon Store

When shopping for a new camera lens, especially when you’re spending upwards of a thousand dollars, it’s important to get it right the first time.  I recommend saving for the lens you want and not settling for one that will “do”.  Also, if you are passionate about photography think about where you will be in a few years (your lens will outlive most of your camera bodies).  If you think you’ll be using a full frame pro or pro enthusiast camera body then I’d highly recommend buying the FX version of lenses for your Nikon camera, this will save you from having to sell all your DX lenses for half of what you paid just to get lenses that natively fit your new FX body.  Just my two cents.

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