Best Macro Lens for Your Nikon Camera – Nikon 105mm f2.8G AF-S VR

Source: Amazon

If you’re a fan of bugs, flowers, and anything tiny, this Nikon lens is the best you can find at this price point ($899).  The Nikon 105mm f2.8G (the g stands for gelded; meaning the left some things out to cut cost and it wont be compatible with some of the older film cameras) is called a micro lens, micro and macro are the same in this case.

This lens has Nikon’s “Nano” coating which is Nikon’s anti-glare coating it only puts on it’s best lenses.  It’s got all the other bells and whistles like VRII (the anti-vibration second generation) and Nikon’s Silent Wave Motor tech.  Short story is it packs all the latest and greatest Nikon could throw its way.  If you’ve ever used the Nikon 70-200mm lens that the pros use you’ll be familiar with the build quality on this lens.  They are built very similarly, the big difference is the 105mm doesn’t zoom.

Why it is the Best:

  • There is no visible distortion
  • 1:1 reproduction ratio
  • Super fast auto focus
  • It’s not too large, easy to travel with
  • Fast lens (low f-number); Great bokeh
  • Metal lens, not plastic
  • Sharp, Sharp, Sharp images!  Sharper at 105mm than the 70-200mm Nikon lens that costs $2400
  • Great medium telephoto lens as well (super sharp)
  • Cheap considering what your getting

If you’re racking your brain trying to think of what to get yourself your significant other for Christmas this year, you will definitely win some points with this lens.

*This lens works great on FX and DX digital cameras.

There are a bunch of sample images on Amazon you should check out.

Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor Lens

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3 replies on “Best Macro Lens for Your Nikon Camera – Nikon 105mm f2.8G AF-S VR”
  1. says: Anita Mac

    I have the 100 in the Canon line – love it. It is such a fast lens…so much fun to play with! Have taken some awesome shots – long live the macro!

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