This is America Challenge – Murals

Liz Sette is the author and photographer of this particular This is America Challenge.  Anyone can submit a This is America Challenge by clicking here.  If you would like to represent your own country and show us what photographs you’ve captured that embody said country you can submit them under the Photo Journal challenge and let me know you’d like it called “This is India” (or Africa, Canada, etc…).  Enjoy!

DSC_3852Philadelphia Muses

The City of Philadelphia is famous for many things such as the Liberty Bell, the Betsy Ross House, Independence Hall and of course, the Philly Cheese Steak.  But there is another thing for which Philadelphia has been recognized and that’s the over 3000 murals that are scattered throughout the city.  This past weekend, my husband and I explored 17 of these incredible masterpieces, four of which I share with you now.


DSC_3818Taste of Summer

Great shot Liz, I love the color.  Great job in positioning as well, I’ve seen a lot of mural photographs and the hardest part can be lens distortion from photographing up at a wall (the angle of the lens creates a slight pyramid effect (or converging lines in technical speak).  I don’t notice any of that in your images.  Something I really liked, I’m not sure you intended it, was the “Taste of Summer” image had the side of a car located at the bottom left of the image which give the viewer a sense of size.

DSC_3841Women of Progress

DSC_3965Mapping Courage: Honoring W.E.B. Du Bois & Engine #11

How about you?  Are you ready to complete a photo challenge today?  Head over to Submit an Article and check out your options and participate today.

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