Photo Story Contest – Language Barrier

Because of the language barrier, I know about two words in various language, I will post a few of the entries that were submitted but the story was lost (or mostly lost) in translation.  Enjoy!

DSC_9289Scarecrow in Urban Backyard by Toh Eng Chye

Holding Hands, Old Teacher, Cute Face, and Peace by Fazal Ul Haq

DSC_1352Lack of Expression 1 by Alin Pacemaker

Lack of expressionLack of Expression 2 by Alin Pacemaker

Dushera Festival CelebrationDushera Festival Celebration by Shishir Desai

boutiful harvest.a prisoner harvest a rice crop at the ihawid pisoer in puerto princesa philippines they ear small money a monht after the they sale in the nearest market Bountiful Harvest by Antonio Penaredondo

Bountiful Harvest: a prisoner of ihawid prisoner harvest rice crop at the rice field in ihawahig their income a small money after selling at the nearest market in puerto princesa Philippines.  All prisoner have a case of murder in the different parts of the Philippines all prisoners stay for life time while the others release after their sentences is finish their case according to the court ordered to release.

Antonio Penaredondo

Solitary womenSolitary Women by Saransh Bansal

DSCN3424Solitary Women 2 by Saransh Bansal

These are some of the images from my jaipur trip last year.  Really shows how ironical our world has become when someone’s misery becomes an object of entertainment for others.  Tourists and locals seemed to treat them as a showpiece.  These women were lying on floor lifeless, desolated and the word ‘hope’ is a luxury they can’t afford.  I tried to bring out the depth of this sombre situation through my photographs.

Saransh Bansal

His songHis Song by Ivan Aleksic

BeardedBearded by Ivan Aleksic

The last stationThe Last Station by Ivan Aleksic

Old wayOld Way by Ivan Aleksic

Sometimes the old men and women were living history and because of the extensive experience and knowledge gave them special recognition and respect.
Today, they are subject to ridicule and contempt. Can be heard from the young to the old worn out its life and now spend only pennies, they think they have suffered their hope that their life has already passed … They are no longer good for nothing, but for the cemetery.
So tells the modern era in which it is grown the cult of youth. An old man who thinks and feels properly, have the right to rebel against this view, as you have the right to love and tears – to the right never gets old.

Ivan Aleksic

RustaviRustavi 1 by Gvantsa Jishkariani

RustaviRustavi 2 by Gvantsa Jishkariani

r002-026Rustavi 3 by Gvantsa Jishkariani

See anything you like?  There are more and more great submission from around the world landing in the inbox every day, keep checking back to see more.  If you’ve been watching on the sidelines and think you’d like to enter some photographs into the contest then click here and submit them to us (the submission form has been fixed).  Good luck!

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