Article Submitted by Becky DeSantis
Before Processing
“Walking the road this morning, I came upon this little apple tree. Unless you spray them with some deadly poison, apple trees and apples are going to get feasted on by bugs. Does not make for the nicest of pics – but it is reality. Trying not to make the photo too “unrealistic,” using Photoshop, I popped the color just a tad and cloned out some of the worst spots. Should I have left nature as it was or enhanced the photo more?? OR just kept walking? ;)”
Becky DeSantis
After Processing
Over or Under is a great way to get feedback on your processing skills. Submit your before and after photograph through Submit an Article and get some feedback. This works best if you leave a comment with some tips if you feel like you know what would help. As always keep things positive and encouraging. Thanks!
I like the composition and the processing looks good, the only thing I’d try is returning to that spot during a different time of the day to eliminate the shadow of the branch on the apple as well as the bright reflection that washes out the color a bit. You could even try that same subject from different angles to see if you could eliminate the shadow that way. Nice work.
Good suggestions, John. Thank you. Will do exactly that – maybe tomorrow if we have sunshine!