Photo Journal Challenge

Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with the world? Well I can’t promise you the world but there are about 3,000 visitors to PhotolisticLife every week who would love to hear your story. Send your photograph with your story and see it on PhotolisticLife. Share your world, the way you see it, with the rest of us… We’d love to see it.

Birds the Word



Becky DeSantis from P.A. submits this great photograph of a flurry of birds flying patterns through the field.  Finding and composing photographs like this are very difficult.  It’s one thing to compose a landscape photograph, it’s an entirely other thing to compose a photograph with a compositional element that can literally fly out of the frame.  The overcast weather gives the image a more dramatic look.

Huck Finn


Another submission from Becky is this boat above that looks like what I imagine a river boat would look like from the Huckleberry Finn adventures.  She originally took the shot in an attempt to capture a duck riding the waves created by the boat but ended up with the image you see above.  Thanks for the great submissions Becky, keep them coming!


Remember, if you’d like to share your art with the rest of the world don’t hesitate to submit them via the link below (called “Submit Your Pictures Here!” weirdly enough). There are other ways to have your photograph featured on the website as well, periodically we will feature a photograph that represents the “This is America Challenge” or “Great Places to Photograph”. As always, thank you for your wonderful submissions and please keep them coming. Enjoy!

Great news!  There is now an easier way to submit Photo Journal, This is America Challenge, and Over or Under submissions.  If you’d like to submit an article then just hit the link below and you’ll be taken to a page dedicated to article submission by readers where you can upload photos and write your story.  Enjoy!

Submit an Article

Do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the images on this site. Images are property of the photographers who submit them.

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