Photo Journal

The Photo Journal is where we will feature one of your (the readers’) photos each day. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each day will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photogenius you are.

Day Seventy Nine

While still putting the Nikon D600 through its paces and testing out the kit lens (Nikkor 24-85mm VR) that came with it I thought I’d post a photo today that came out extremely sharp and looked cool.  In the town where I live there is not a lot of extremely interesting or diverse things to photograph so I compensate by getting right up close to things.  This is one of those things, an old barbed wire fence, part of the fence I photographed a few days ago with the overcast sky.  The fall foliage in the background, even though it’s blurred a little, add to the contrast in the photo.  Is it an extremely interesting photo?  No, not unless you’re a barbed wire enthusiast and if you are I’m pretty sure there is probably a website for that.  I found it interesting how on a great camera with a good lens you really have to focus on your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to make sure you don’t make a small mistake or the great cameras will magnify it.

So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.

Submit Your Picture Here!

Do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the images on this site. Images are property of the photographers who submit them.

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2 replies on “Photo Journal”
    1. says: j0hnnyb1

      I know right, and that’s with the D600 kit lens. I’m going to go back with the Micro 4/3 camera and see if I can get the same kind of clarity.

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