How to Photograph a Crashing Wave

Crashing Wave
Point Break

Have you ever wondered how people photograph a splash of water where you can see the detail of every drop?  Or the way a wave folds over itself as it crashes into the shore and see every droplet of water?  It’s not as hard as it looks.  There are a couple of sure-fire ways to accomplish a crisp picture that freezes everything in time.

Technique One: 

Speed up your shutter speed.  When you are photographing sporting events, children playing, or fast-moving objects (like waves crashing) you’re going to want a fast shutter speed.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/1000, your going to want to pick a speed that allows you to have a smaller aperture for a good depth of field but not so small that you have to raise your ISO too much and incur noisy pictures.

Technique Two:

Rapid fire!  Take advantage of your camera’s continuous shooting feature (still requires a faster than normal shutter speed).  That is what the whole “9 frames per second” feature on your new camera is talking about.  All you do is set your camera to continuous shooting and hold down your button until you feel as though you have enough shots to take you from the beginning of the action to the end.  Review all the shots you took and hopefully there is one that has the exact moment you’re looking for.

Not so difficult right?  Next time your little dickens wants to chase butterflies or rabid squirrels in the yard you can catch all the action to post to whichever social media outlet your little heart desires.

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