Photo Journal

Let There Be Light

The Photo Journal is where we will feature one of your (the readers’) photos each day. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each day will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photogenius you are.

Day Fifteen

Following yesterdays far off view of the Currituck Lighthouse in NC, here is an up close and personal view of the very same lighthouse.  For you lighthouse aficionados out there this is a great photo on a beautiful day with some great reflections of the clouds in the glass.  Interesting fact: the light from this lighthouse can be seen for 18 nautical miles!  (fact courtesy of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse website)  What the hell is a nautical mile?  Great questions.  A nautical mile is exactly 1.150779 miles, or 2,025.372 yards, or 6,076.1155 feet, etc… you get it.  Impress or confuse the heck out of all your friends at work with that gem of knowledge.

So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.
Submit Your Picture Here!

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