My Film Photography Magazine Is Now Available: 35MM By John M. Barbiaux

Over the past few months I have been hard at work completing a number of books and magazines that have been long overdue.  35MM is the first of these to come to fruition.  If you read DecisiveShot: The Streets Of Pittsburgh and liked it, you will love this.  I was able to keep the price the same ($19.99) by doubling the size of the magazine.



35MM plays homage to film photography, Leica, as well as street and landscape photography.  The images contained within the magazine take you through my journey shooting 11 rolls of film over a two-week period, taken in Charleston, SC., Kiawah, SC., and Pittsburgh, PA..





Whether you’re a fan of my photography, film photography, or Leica cameras I think you will enjoy this magazine.

Signed copies are $29.99 plus shipping and handling (varies depending on your location).  If you’d like more information on signed copies please contact me.

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