From time to time I enjoy challenging myself and doing a series of photographs depicting subjects that I would not otherwise photograph… like No Parking signs. Not the typical post in the ground, white and red signs, but the ones painted on buildings. This challenge goes really smoothly if you live near a city or busy town. Those of you in small rural towns may have to hunt a bit harder to participate.
Grab your camera and give this challenge a try, try different angles, depth of fields, and lighting. Can you turn something like a No Parking sign into something interesting enough to grab viewers attention? Don’t just focus on composition, it’s all for nothing if your photograph is blurry or the white balance is off. No parking signs aren’t going to walk off on you so this is a good chance to work on getting your camera setting “just right”.
If you find some great No Parking shots you can upload them using the Submit an Article link under Articles at the top of the page. If your photographs are interesting and unique we will feature them here on PhotolisticLife. We will add a poll with your photo that asks readers whether they find the photograph A) Interesting, B) Forgettable, C) Promising.