Do you think the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side” applies to art? Do painters look longingly at photographers wishing they had a deep understanding of the relationship between ISO, aperture, and shutter-speed rather than being knuckle deep in paint with a sore wrist? Have you ever wished you could paint like Monet or Vincent van Gogh, rather than walk mile after mile with 30lbs of photography gear strapped to your back like a peasant? I think, to some degree, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Instead of lamenting over my inability to paint a masterpiece, I set out to water my own grass… I’m speaking figuratively of course, I don’t actually water my lawn. I set out to create images that looked similar to my favorite painterly style, Impressionism.
The only criteria I set for myself was that the images had to be created in the camera rather than with Photoshop (which means no double exposures layered in PS). All images you see here were taken with the Leica M Typ 262, Leica 35mm f/2, and processed in Lightroom.
I wanted to capture bright, vibrant colors, with movement that mimicked the brush strokes of a painter… Literally painting with light. Timing was key, both the time of the day as well as waiting for the right subject wearing colors that compliment the rest of the composition.
If you enjoyed these images, bookmark the website to follow along with this project. I’m hoping to complete all of the seasons in Pittsburgh this year. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.