Photo Challenge – What’s In Front Of You

Processed with VSCO with t2 preset

You know what’s great about photography these days?  You’ve likely got a camera on you every where you go…  Work, dinner, waiting room, you name it and there is a good chance you’ve got your camera packing smartphone there.  Today’s photo challenge is for those of you who may feel a bit too tired to grab your camera and hit the trail, street, or waterway when they get home.  So grab the camera you’ve got with you and snap a photograph of something nearby.  Right now.  Seriously.

This is a great exercise in creativity, especially if you’re at work and work happens to be in a dream killing cubicle.  Think abstract, try to capture images where you present your subject to viewers in a way they’ve never seen it before.

The photograph above, of a MacBook Pro, was taken with the iPhone SE and processed in Snapseed and VSCO.

If you want a personal project guaranteed to make you more creative, and a better photographer, try doing this every day for 365 days in a row.  I’ve tried, and failed at, this once and can attest to its ability to improve your abilities as a photographer.

If you’d like to participate in a photo challenge you can simply submit your photograph to our Facebook page or the Flickr Group.  The best shots will be featured here on the site.

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