A Few Holiday Photography Ideas

What better time to practice your photography than when you have tons of unwilling victims trapped in your house for the holidays.  But, unfortunately for you, none of your family wants you pasting their photographs all over the social networks.  Let’s face it though, your itching to Twatter or Instatelegram something or you’ll explode all over the Christmas tree.  So forget about the family snap shots you usually take with the wide-angle lens, the one that makes everyone’s face look like they are walking through a house full of carnival mirrors.  Slap the fastest 50mm lens you own on your camera and crank up the ISO, here are some fun ideas for you.

1213_untitled_022Processed with VSCO film pack, ISO 3200, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/60 second.

The knitting (or is it crochet?) photograph above was taken using the Nikon Df.  I used the VSCO film pack to emulate an old Kodak film that I like, I felt that it enhanced the mood.  As a side note, if you’re going to go to the trouble of taking nice photographs then don’t cheapen them with social sharing in app filters, spring the $100 or so for the professional software from a company like VSCO Film.

1213_untitled_016ISO 3200, 1/30 sec., 50mm, f/1.8, also processed with VSCO film

Be sure to spend some time reflection on what Christmas is really about, I can’t think of a better photo subject than Jesus.  Try to get away from the straight-on shots you took last year and the year before, get creative and try to capture the manger from the point of view of one of the wise-men.  I took this shot by focusing through the window, between two wise-men, and focused on Jesus with my lens wide open to make him the focal point and eliminate any possible distractions.

1213_untitled_023ISO 1250, VSCO film pack, 50mm, f/3.2, 1/30th sec.

Keep a look out for interesting decor while visiting the family, this is especially useful if your tired of bribing your children to smile or making loud noises to get babies to cry look at you.  Don’t worry about getting distracting elements when you photograph decorations in the house, there is a good chance they will be right next to something weird-looking so just crop a bit and you’ll be golden.

1213_untitled_010-2ISO 3200, 50mm, 1/80th sec., f/1.8

While you’re in the kitchen why not try to get a couple creative shots of ordinary objects.  The stove does not top my list of interesting things to photograph but I am always intrigued by those photographs of ordinary objects from a perspective you don’t normally see it from (though if you’re a five-year old this is probably old hat to you since that’s about the eye level at which this shot was taken).  You’ll need a fast lens that you can open wide to blur the distracting background and isolate what you’re trying to focus on.  If you are having trouble figuring out what you want to photograph try squinting one eye and tilting your head as far to the side as you can…  I’m kidding, I just wanted to see if you’d actually do it, I have no idea if that would work.

I hope you enjoy your holidays, if you get some great shots be sure to come back here and share them with the readers.  You can send in your shots by visiting the Submit an Article page by hitting the link at the top of the page in the main menu.  Can’t wait to see what you come up with.  Until next time…

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