Photo Journal – Sunrises and Sunsets

Recently I did an article on how to enhance your sunrise and sunset photos and from time to time a reader will respond with a Photo Journal where they either took and applied the information or they have photos where they’ve already tackled the subject successfully.  This is the latter of the two, Liz Sette (a regular contributor) has submitted a Photo Journal through the Submit an Article link where she showcases a couple of great photographs where she had applied the tips I talked about here.


I enjoyed reading your article about photographing sunrises and sunsets.  They are not the easiest of subjects to photograph but with patience I think it can be well done.  I also agree that the colors prior to and after a sunrise and sunset are spectacular and spending the extra time before and after is truly an added treat.  I would like to share a sunrise photo I took at the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park in Arizona last summer (2012) and a sunset I took off the beaches of Maui, Hawaii this past August.  Each photos does have what you suggested and that is having another subject that grabs your attention with the sunrise/sunset as secondary.  I hope I did the sunrise and sunset justice!


Liz!  Those are extraordinary shots.  Your exposure looks good and you chose, rightly so, to expose for the beautiful colors of the sky.  The subjects in both photos add to the composition and enhance both sunrise and sunset.  The photograph taken in Arizona is probably my favorite because its unique compared to what you’d see plastered all over Google images and Flickr.  Keep up the great work!

It’s your turn!  Ya, you.  If you read a great tutorial on photography or a photo challenge here at PhotolisticLife you can submit your photographs and two cents through the Submit an Article link.  Your inspiration doesn’t even have to come from this site, you can answer a challenge you read anywhere or complete a photo project you read about someplace else.  Share the knowledge with us.  Enjoy!

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