You Be the Judge!
I keep reading that a budding photographers biggest mistake is over processing a photo. What is over processed? What does it look like? Is there a rule of thumb and how do you measure it? Is this photo over processed or under processed? You guys be the judge and let’s see what the majority thinks is over or under processed.
Here is a photo submitted by a reader like you (using the Submit an Article link under the Articles tab at the top of the page).
Photo Titled Sign of Spring by Becky D.
The cropped version of the crocus was also enhanced with a little saturation and darkened via levels. Nothing too extensive except for the crop! The wind was blowing and this was an afternoon photo with no sunshine. Critique away!!
Well which is it, over or under processed?
Do you have a photograph you’d like critiqued? Feel free to submit it via the Submit an Article link. Thanks for reading.
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