Two New iPad Apps for Photographers

Via Apple App Store
Via Apple App Store

Lightroom Magazine

The makers of Lightroom Killer Tips has developed a magazine (Lightrooom Magazine) for the iPad, the first issue is free.  After the free issue, if you are hooked, the subsequent issues will be $4.99.  The App Store has a short description:

“The Adobe Photoshop How-to magazine, from Scott Kelby and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, is where you’ll find columns and feature articles from the industry’s top experts on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.”

Being as how the first issue is free, I’d recommend checking it out and seeing if you’re a fan.  At first glance it looks like something I could get into, there is a great before and after segment that walks you through the development of a photograph in Lightroom.

Via Apple App Store
Via Apple App Store
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Via Apple App Store
Via Apple App Store

Dale Grahn Color App

For $3.99 you can download Dale Grahn’s Color App and watch tutorials on how to get your photographs colors right.  Dale Grahn, though I’ve never heard of him, is well know in the film industry.  He worked on movies like Saving Private Ryan and Gangs of New York as well as many others.  The reviews have been very positive, the tutorials in the app seem to be folks favorite part.

“Leaving behind color wheels, scopes, and other digital conveniences, Dale challenges you to re-create his color grade by eye – learning to “think color”. Can you match the master? Try to match Dale’s color grade, and see how close you can get.”

Learning the proper color for photographs is sometimes the hardest technique to master as a photographer, white balance is only a fraction of the battle.  The app sounds promising so check it out and let us know what you think in the comments or forum.


Do you have a favorite iPad app for your photography? If so let us know in the comments below.

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