The Photo Journal is where we will feature fun, interesting, or beautiful photos each week. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each week will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photo genius you are.
Day One Hundred
Wow, 100 days strong! Thanks to all the friends and followers of the PhotolisticLife for their awesome contributions to enriching our peepers with their fantastic photography. It’s evolving! No longer will we grace your inbox with a photo every day, instead we are going to focus on photography techniques and tips as well as photo gear reviews. Once a week we will take the best of your photos and serve them up in the Weekly Photo Journal.
The photograph above was submitted by Keturah, taken with her iPhone. She said, her amazing boyfriend gave them to her and she wanted to share them with the world. Sounds like a great guy to me Keturah. Thanks for sharing, he’s making the rest of us look like lackluster boyfriends and husbands.
Remember, if you’d like to share your art with the rest of the world don’t hesitate to submit them via the link below (called “Submit Your Pictures Here!” weirdly enough). There are other ways to have your photograph featured on the website as well, periodically we will feature a photograph that represents the “This is America Challenge” or “Great Places to Photograph”. As always, thank you for your wonderful submissions and please keep them coming. Enjoy!
So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.
Do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the images on this site. Images are property of the photographers who submit them.
Wow, Keturah’s boyfriend’s mother must have done a good job raising him.
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Really pretty shot Keturah
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And I will miss getting pictures every day, do i need to start a petition?
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