The Photo Journal is where we will feature one of your (the readers’) photos each day. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each day will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photogenius you are.
Day Ninety Five
Becky from P.A. shares with us these great photographs of milkweed pods accented by the late afternoon sun. She said when she was little they used to break them open and blow their seeds carriers into the air. If you would have been a little boy you would probably have found a way to light them on fire first. I guess it’s true that girls are sugar and spice and everything nice. Thanks for the great submission, it really shows the importance of lighting in photography and how dramatically the sun can change the look of the same subject throughout the day. Keep them coming!
So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.
Do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the images on this site. Images are property of the photographers who submit them.