Grab your camera and take a look at the lens. See those specs? That’s what we are going to talk about. There are three ways to clean the outside of your camera including the lens. Blast of air, lens pen, and wet clean. You can clean your camera as often as you like but there is a method that keeps your camera from being worn just from the cleaning. You’ll want to do the wet clean as seldom as possible (I prefer the lens wipes to the solution because there is less chance of water damage) because it is possible for the solution and wipe to wear down the coating on your lens over time. The lens pen is one you can do more frequently, we will discuss the lens pen in more detail below. Anytime there is a spec or fingerprint on your lens that the air blast can’t get you will resort to the lens pen, the wet cleaning is last resort. You can air blast the heck out of your camera as often as you like because it has little to no negative effect on the lens. Here is a general time frame to help you out:
- Air Blast: As often as you like (before each day of shooting) Giottos AA1910 Medium Rocket Air Blaster (6.6)
- Lens Pen: Only if the air blast doesn’t work (once a month) Nikon 7072 Lens Pen Cleaning System
- Wet Clean: Once every three to six months (sparingly)Zeiss Pre-Moistened Lens Cloths Wipes 200c
Read below to find out more about the lens pen, if you don’t have one you need to get one.
Lens Pen
A lens pen is just a pen looking brush/pad that you can get small particles and fingerprints off your camera’s lens in a jiffy. One side has a brush that retracts up into the pen and the other has a small pad for rubbing off smudges. It’s super convenient because it’s the size of a pen and can be thrown in your camera back with a small footprint. They are rather inexpensive as well at only just over $9. Head to Amazon and check them out: Nikon 7072 Lens Pen Cleaning System