Olympus PEN E-PL1

Pen EPL-1
Micro 4/3
Pen EPL-1
Micro 4/3

You’re right, it’s time to upgrade from your point and shoot for a reasonable price.  I get it, you want a versatile camera that can shoot any and every situation you may be in… Going on a safari in Africa and you don’t want to lug a giant DSLR while your running from a pissed off Lion?  This is the camera for you.  What?  Your planning on visiting some remote area where there are going to be impoverished people and you want to document what an awesomely generous person you are so everyone on Facebook can eat their hearts out?  You’ll want this camera because it takes great photos, but also because if one of those people steal it and hawk it for a Big Mac you will not be out thousands.

Olympus PEN E-PL1

There are four primary reasons this is your go to camera if your just stepping up from a point and shoot and you don’t want to spend big bucks (if you do then this is the camera for you).

  1. Picture Quality
  2. Ease of Use
  3. Size
  4. Versatility

The camera has interchangeable lenses with a multitude to choose from including wide-angle, zoom and a ton more.  The 14-42mm is equivalent to 28-84 on a 35mm camera.  It’s a great kit lens that is versatile and comfortable shooting anything from landscapes to portraits.  The camera has an easy to navigate menu and programmable function buttons for even more versatility.  The 12.3 megapixel sensor does a great job of delivering crisp and clear photos, and because of its size you can take it with you where you might not take a larger DSLR.

Instead of going into an in-depth review why don’t you head over to Amazon and read the reviews by consumers like you and decide for yourself.  It’s a great camera with nearly everything you’d ever need.

Here are a couple of shots taken with the E-PL1


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