Three sixty-five projects have been around in one form or another for as long as I’ve owned a camera. I’ve done them and done them again, never really writing much about it because it’s been written about a million times. Well, that and often a 365 project turns into a 7, take a few days off, 15, more time off, 3, had stuff to do, 5, bad cold, 27, and so on… Life is not the most predictable thing in the world so it’s no wonder most people don’t finish a 365 project in three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days.
365 Project
A photography project where the photographer takes a new photograph every day for an entire year.What’s The New Twist?
Well, I’m going to put some constraints on my 365 project… I am going to take a new photograph (or several) every day for the next year while commuting to work. If I’m not working then I will take the shot while commuting to the coffee shop or wherever my journey takes me first thing in the morning.
Has this ever been done? Yes, of course… I’m not reinventing the wheel here, guys. But I’ve never done it. I will share the images with you here on the blog and possibly on Facebook too (less likely because of image theft being so prevalent on the book).
I normally leave work before the sun comes up each day but luckily I was running late this morning. The fog was low and looked really cool. I shot these handheld with the Nikon Df and the NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G lens as well as the NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G. I didn’t use a tripod though I had it slung over my shoulder, I was on my way to the coffee shop and didn’t want to miss out sharing this article with you before I started my day… You’re welcome!
Be sure to bookmark if you want to follow along.
Wait, There Is More!
Want to take this challenge with me? Well you can! Upload your photo each day to our Facebook page and I will feature the best shots here on the site. Remember, your commute may seem rather ordinary to you but that is because you do it each day. PhotolisticLife has followers all around the world (oddly enough, India is home to 1/3 of our readers… Thanks guys!) and they want to see the world through your eyes. Not everyone is fortunate enough to travel so share your world with us.
Thanks for reading. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.