2014 B+W Photo Contest Update

If you haven’t seen the entries to PhotolisticLife’s B+W photo contest you need to head over to Facebook and check them out.  This contest has been my favorite to date, I’m impressed with the talent and inspired by the photography.  You can see the images on our Facebook page and enter the contest after reading the rules here.

Top Photo Dunstanburgh Castle by Simon Lock

The contest ends on July 12th, it was purposely pushed beyond Memorial Day and July 4th so you’d have plenty of opportunities to get some great shots (at least here in the United States where we celebrate those holidays).  The contest is free to enter, all you have to do is head over to the Facebook page and upload your images and some details to the page.  The prize is $250, good Luck!

You can check out the Editor’s Favorites Gallery, located here, as well.  The gallery is by no means a winners circle, it’s just a sampling of some of the great images over on the Facebook page.

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