5 Great Photography Ideas Around the House During Bad Weather

Even Cats Like Apple Products

Tropical Storms are a real drag, the East Coast is getting slammed right now and we are all stuck in the house with the internet, an iDevice of some sort, probably a gaming console or three, television with 703 channels with nothing on, and a camera.  What to do, what to do?  Well if your reading this right now and your on the East Coast it looks as though you chose the internet.  When your finished reading all the great posts on this site (it might take you a while) close your lap top and grab your camera, here are just a few ideas to pass the time tonight.

  1. Photograph Whiskers and Pickles your family pets sleeping, everyone loves animal picks.  Try to change the perspective by getting in real close to their little noses or down beneath them looking up.
  2. Photograph water drops.  Open the aperture of your camera way up (low f-number) and zoom in to blur the background of your faucet (check out our post on how to blur backgrounds if your unsure how to blur the background).  If you have a macro lens then use that.  Play with the lighting and reflections, if you have colored pots and pans use them to change the light reflecting off the drop.
  3. Photograph fruit and/or vegetables.  You stocked up before the storm didn’t you?  No?  Rookie.  Grab an apple and place it someplace clean, without a distracting background.  Play with lighting, maybe use a flashlight to change the shadow.  If you have a light box then use one, if not then Google it and make your own.
  4. Practice your stock photography skills.  Take random things around your house that don’t have names of companies or logos on them and make them look interesting and beautiful, then submit them to sites like Shutterstock and make money.  Be sure to read up about what they are looking for before you spend a lot of time on this, they are very picky.
  5. Clean up your billions of images on your computer you slob.  We are all guilty of it.  From time to time we need to sit down to put photos in their proper folders and delete the ones we don’t want or need.  What better time than during a storm?

There, no more whining… I’ve just planned out the rest of your evening and probably most of tomorrow, better call off sick.  Remember to unplug your laptop if your in a dangerous storm so you don’t fry the poor thing.  Otherwise, how would you read this site?  Be safe and enjoy!

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