Photo Journal

The Photo Journal is where we will feature one of your (the readers’) photos each day. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each day will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photogenius you are.

Day Fifty Five

New use for an old tool.  No I’m not talking about your old high school boyfriend…  That’s a plow up there.  I had to add it, the contrast between the rust and the original blue paint looked really cool.  A great photography project would be to photograph the oxidation (rusting) of something new every day and then show the progression over a number of years.  Or don’t, and definitely don’t submit it to the Photo Journal series… See what I did right there, that’s called reverse psychology.

So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.
Submit Your Picture Here!

Do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the images on this site. Images are property of the photographers who submit them.

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