The Photo Journal is where we will feature one of your (the readers’) photos each day. Whoever has the most interesting or different photo each day will be featured on the site and praised like the amazing photogenius you are.
Day Fifty Three
Keeping in the spirit of signage and all things neon, Becky D. from Sarver, P.A. sent us this great photo of the PNC Park sign (home of the Pirates). Great Photo, I can imagine getting the white balance as well as the exposure just right was quite the task. It’s very impressive that the colors stayed so true given that there are multiple light sources (neon lights of the sign, bright lights of the stadium lighting, and the incandescent lights of the Pirate Gear shop). Great work.
So who is next? Include your name, where you shot the picture, what the picture is of, and why you took it.
Submit Your Picture Here!
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