How To Name Your Photographs
byWhat’s in a photographs name? A description perhaps? Maybe you merge a couple of words together to create a funny name like a picture…
What’s in a photographs name? A description perhaps? Maybe you merge a couple of words together to create a funny name like a picture…
Adjusting your white balance at one time or another is a necessity, it’s one of the reasons professionals shoot using RAW format (RAW gives…
Visualizing a scene has never been easier, the LCD screen allows you to snap a quick shot and then review it while your still…
It’s safe to say that you don’t always carry a neutral density filter (ND filter) with you… Heck, some of you may not even…
Creating the “perfect” photograph is not always as simple as pointing your DSLR at the subject, dialing in the correct exposure, and presto you’ve…
ISO 200, 23mm, f/9, 26 sec. Light trails not difficult to capture if you’ve a camera with manual settings. You don’t need a fancy…
Sometimes it’s difficult to motivate ourselves to go out and photograph every day or even every week, sometimes we get a little burnt out. …