The Flickr GroupJune 14, 2015<June 14, 2015 PhotolisticLife’s Flickr Pool – Memorable Photographs by John Barbiaux I monitor the PhotolisticLife Flickr pool daily (as well as the DecisiveShot’s Flickr Pool for Street Photographers) reviewing the images that readers upload and…
Announcement, Express Yourself, Photo ContestMarch 24, 2015<March 24, 2015 PhotolisticLife’s Flickr Page by John Barbiaux We have created a Flickr page to make it easier for you to share your photographs with us and participate in contests and critiques. …
Composition, Photography TipsMay 5, 2013<March 30, 2018 Using Flickr to Critique Your Photography by John Barbiaux There are a number of ways to get some feedback on your photography. Facebook, emailing friends, family, and of course Flickr. Flickr is probably…