Using “Cut Off” To Create More Interesting Photography
byCut Off composition is just what it sounds like, it’s when you compose an image where your subject is cut off at a desired…
Cut Off composition is just what it sounds like, it’s when you compose an image where your subject is cut off at a desired…
Neutral density filters are an essential part of any photographers, worth their weight in sepia colored stone, camera bag. Neutral density filters (or ND…
Instead of focusing on putting your subject at one of the intersecting points in the Rule of Thirds, try splitting your image into a…
Breaking compositional rules is difficult, it seems like for every rule someone breaks there is already a rule defining what they did to break…
I don’t need to tell you how popular photography has become, millions of people have a camera on them at all times (think cell…
When we see the words photography and lines in the same sentence they are usually followed by the words converging or leading. And why…
ISO 200, 35mm, f/11, 1/50 sec (using an ND filter) When I saw this scene I instantly thought of the Chris Farley movie Tommy…
The rule of thirds is one of the primary guidelines in art and photography. The rule says we should imagine a grid over a…
The proper use of leading lines means composing an image where a line leads to the subject of interest. It’s not as simple as…
The door above was crying out to be photographed as I was walking around the North Side of Pittsburgh one evening, the only problem…
Typical photographs are free of obstruction with all elements of composition supporting the main subject of interest, generally leading the viewers eyes right to…
Leaving intentional empty space in a photograph is not something one generally tries to do, not unless you’re creating that backdrop for something like…