Photography TipsJune 7, 2017<June 7, 2017 Are You Letting Bokeh Stunt Your Growth As A Photographer by John Barbiaux Bokeh is that beautiful swirly, sometimes soft and buttery, looking light in the out of focus area of a photograph. It’s created by opening…
Photo ChallengeDecember 7, 2015<November 8, 2016 Photo Project Challenge – Christmas Bokeh by John Barbiaux Whether you celebrate Christmas or not you have got to appreciate all of the joyful decorations strewn about this time of year. I for…
Composition, Photography Tips, Quick TipsJune 23, 2013<March 30, 2018 Quick Tip – Using Bokeh at Night by John Barbiaux Bokeh is the art of blurring the unfocused background of your photograph into a beautiful creamy mess. You’ll see bokeh used heavily in portraits…
Exposure, Photography Tips, Quick TipsDecember 7, 2012<March 29, 2013 Quick Tip 110 – Choosing the Correct Aperture by John Barbiaux Your aperture is one of the three most important settings on your camera. It’s a lot like adjusting the lights in a room to…